Posted: 10/3/2020 | October 3rd, 2020
Years ago, I wrote a post about things I like to do beyond just travel. While I drop hints here and there about the “non-Nomadic Matt” me, today I thought I’d share some interesting facts about me that are not travel related — especially since a lot of you responded to my last email about being in a creative slump with “Well, tell us more about you!”
So grab some popcorn and learn a little more about who I am and what I do when I’m not on the road:
Speaking of which, I love popcorn. En serio. It has zero nutritional value and an infinite amount of taste! I can’t get enough of it. always salted, no butter though.
I love movies. I probably watch two or three a week, either in the theater or at home on Netflix.
When I’m on a plane, I only watch bad movies — the cheesy Hollywood movies I’d never spend money to see. They’re terrible, but they are the kind of mindless entertainment I want while I’m relaxing over an ocean. It’s my way to turn my brain off for a bit.
When I’m not traveling abroad, I split my time between Austin, where I’m a resident, and NYC, where I go when it gets too hot in Texas or I need some really good sushi.
I consume an unhealthy amount of news, especially as it pertains to politics. Not just us politics — I follow the political situation in a lot of countries. While it impresses locals that I can name their prime minister and discuss recent changes in farm bills, it’s not healthy reading so much news. I’ve had to delete news apps from my phone so I would stop thinking the sky was always falling.
An Old Fashioned is the way to my heart. It is hands down my favorite drink.
My favorite liquor? Scotch, specifically peaty Scotch from Islay. (Feel free to send any bottles to 222 Broadway, floor 19, new York, NY 10038. I won’t mind! My favorite brand is Ardbeg.)
I am terrible at sports. I can’t play any, and I barely know how they work. Don’t ask me about players either. I couldn’t name one. (Though I do enjoy a good soccer match!)
I love to swing dance, though I don’t do it as often as I’d like. I learned how when I threw a Gatsby-themed birthday party for myself a few years ago and have been hooked ever since.
Amo a Taylor Swift. Her cheesy songs are awesome, her show production is out of this world, and I think she’s a marketing genius. (And your “Really? Come on, Matt!” will do nothing to change that. I see ya over there!)
When I write, I listen to one song on repeat over and over again. Doing so helps me focus better. The song helps me tune out the world, and then, when I’m bored with the song, I tune it out and focus on what is in front of me: my writing. I’m way more productive this way! (This post was written to Sia’s Alive!)
I don’t have any plants because they all die. I could say it’s because I travel so much but when I was a college graduate, I bought a ton of bonsai trees and even those died. So no green thumb for me!
I know all the best sushi and cocktails spots in NYC. I even run a speakeasy bar crawl for my friends who come to town. I spend a lot of time reading and learning about the ’20s and the history of cocktails.
I want to learn how to shoot a gun. Not because I’m some gun nut — I strongly dislike them, want really strict gun control, and am a regular donor to Everytown for gun safety — but because I am one of those crazy “preppers.”
I think the world is pretty much f*cked, and I’d like to know how to shoot a gun to (a) protect myself in case civilization ends and (b) hunt (another thing I want to learn how to do) for food when that happens or (c) the zombies come.
Having a plan B never hurt anyone, right?
To that end, I’d also like to learn how to shoot a bow and arrow. I think that would be really fun — and useful.
I try to spend an hour a day reading (though, lately, I haven’t been doing that as much as I would like since I’ve been busy meeting a book deadline). I’m a big fan of biographies and travel, history, and business books. I think reading and educating yourself is one of the most important things you can do in your life, and I cannot understand people who don’t read books.
How do you learn about the world? how do you improve yourself? ¿cómo te relajas?
Simplemente no entiendo. education doesn’t stop at school!
I’m a morning person. I tend to wake up around 7am and do my best work before lunchtime. On a good day, I’ll get up at 6am.
I don’t drink coffee. I do drink a lot of tea, my favorite being anything in the green tea family, though I have a special love for jasmine and sencha. I would really love to take a tea class and learn more about it.
This fall I plan to sign up for French classes again and really try to learn the language. To me, French is one of the most beautiful languages in the world, and I’m really sad I don’t remember anything from my previous time learning it!
When I was a kid, I was the state champion for Magic: The Gathering. Mis amigos y yolo jugó mucho. También tuve un bar mitzvah con temática de Star Trek. Entonces, básicamente, nerd completo!
¡Así que ahí lo tienes! Algunos datos más interesantes sobre mí. Bueno, creo que las cosas son interesantes al menos. Ahora, dime algo sobre ti:
¿Quiénes son las personas que leen este sitio web? ¿Qué haces en tu tiempo libre? ¿Cuáles son sus esperanzas y sueños?
Deja un comentario y comparte!
Cómo viajar por el mundo por $ 50 por día
Mi guía de bolsillo más vendida del New York Times para viajar mundialmente te enseñará cómo dominar el arte de los viajes para que salgas del camino trillado, ahorre dinero y tengas una experiencia de viaje más profunda. Es su guía de planificación A a Z que la BBC llamó la “Biblia para viajeros de presupuesto”.
¡Haga clic aquí para obtener más información y comenzar a leerlo hoy!
Reserve su viaje: consejos y trucos logísticos
Reserve su vuelo
Encuentra un vuelo barato usando Skyscanner. Es mi motor de búsqueda favorito porque busca sitios web y aerolíneas en todo el mundo para que siempre sepa que no queda piedra sin remover.
Reserve su alojamiento
Puede reservar su albergue con HostelWorld. Si desea quedarse en otro lugar que no sea un albergue, use Booking.com, ya que devuelven constantemente las tarifas más baratas para casas de huéspedes y hoteles.
No olvides el seguro de viaje
El seguro de viaje lo protegerá contra enfermedades, lesiones, robo y cancelaciones. Es una protección integral en caso de que algo salga mal. Nunca salgo de viaje sin él, ya que he tenido que usarlo muchas veces en el pasado. Mis compañías favoritas que ofrecen el mejor servicio y valor son:
Safetywing (lo mejor para todos)
Asegure mi viaje (para aquellos mayores de 70)
MedJet (para cobertura de evacuación adicional)
¿Listo para reservar tu viaje?
Consulte mi página de recursos para que las mejores compañías usen cuando viaja. Enumero todos los que uso cuando viajo. Son los mejores en clase y no puedes equivocarte usando en tu viaje.
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